


“Gabriele d’Annunzio, a symbol of Culture and Identity of People”

Thursday the 30th of October 2018 at 9H.00 PM

Rivarolo Canavese


Fourth appointment with “L’Officina delle idee e del pensiero” and the Ki An Foundation collaboration.

Guest of the evening: Edoardo SYLOS LABINI, actor and producer

Together with Mr. Fabrizio BERTOT, the President, the protagonist of the theatrical show “The Secret D’Annunzio” will speak about the italian and european concept of “Culture” and “Identity”, that Gabriele d’Annunzio represented worthily in one of the most troubled and discussed periods in Italian history. It will be an opportunity to discuss the national cultural movement launched by Mr. Sylos Labini, to which hundreds of Italian cultural associations are joining.



“The Vatican is always a State managed by men”

Friday the 28th of September 2018 at 9H.00 PM

Rivarolo Canavese

Third appointment with “L’Officina delle idee e del pensiero” and the collaboration of Ki An Foundation.

Guest of the evening: Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui, author of the book “Nel nome di Pietro” for Sperling & Kupfer editor and former member of COSEA, the Pontificial Commission set up by the Pope to reorganize the economic-administrative structure of the Holy See, in which Chaouqui was joined as the only woman under 35 years old directly nominated by the Pope.

In collaboration of Fabrizio BERTOT, the President, and the audience present in the room, we will talk about the change of the relationship of the young public relations expert, now CEO of Viewpointstrategy, communication agency and Public Affairs, with the Holy See two years away from the affair Vatileaks who saw her involved.

Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui “Nel nome di Pietro” – Sperling & Kupfer Editor


Integration policies: problems or solution?

Wednesday the 30th of May 2018 at 9H.00 PM

Rivarolo Canavese – Italy

Second appointment with “L’Officina delle idee e del pensiero” and the collaboration of Ki An Foundation.

Guest of the evening: Magdi Cristiano ALLAM, journalist, politician and egyptian writer becoming italian citizen who after a long life as a “moderate muslim” decides to convert himself to the Christian culture.

In collaboration of Fabrizio BERTOT, the President, and the general public arrived for the event, they will speak about the different integration policies in Italy and Europe: problems or solution?

Magdi Cristiano Allam “Il Corano senza veli”  – MCA Comunicazione




European identity and policies about immigrations

Monday, the 23rd of April 2018 20H30

Rivarolo Canavese – Italy

Meeting organized by the Association “L’officina delle idee e del pensiero” with the collaboration of Ki An Foundation

Purpose of the evening: a comparison about new ideas in Rivarolo Canavese city on the major issues such as immigration, family, politics and also issues related to the Piedmont territory

Guest: Alessandro Meluzzi


Presidential election in Azerbaijan

Baku – 11 April 2018

Fabrizio BERTOT – International Observer


Press release from italian newspapers:

Leggendo per l’Italia

Italia Daily News

Macchioni Communications


Talking about us:


  • Il giornale OFF: 

Per semplificare la burocrazia di Bruxelles c’è la Fondazione KI-AN   (only in original language – text below)


Kian è una fondazione no-profit focalizzata sulla costruzione di relazioni a lungo termine sul territorio Euroasiatico. Il suo stile semplice è progettato per investire nel futuro attraverso l’uso di strumenti europei che permettono di intensificare e valorizzare i rapporti tra soggetti che condividono la stessa cultura.

Il suo nome e il logo scelto sono il simbolo della forza nella storia e nella cultura antica e moderna. KI: nella cosmogonia dei sumeri era la dea della terra ed esprimeva la forza e la determinazione della terra, mentre AN, nella stessa cosmogonia, era il dio del cielo, il principio ispiratore della creazione, di ogni rinascita della terra. È per questo motivo che “KI AN” è il nome definitivo scelto dai fondatori quando hanno dato vita a questa organizzazione, che aiuta ad utilizzare le risorse europee attraverso lo sviluppo di progetti soprattutto culturali.

L’Europa ha la sua forza.

Una forza racchiusa nella sua storia e nella sua cultura antica e moderna con la quale esprimerà tutta la sua determinazione, l’energema, la potenza liberata, per intraprendere il cambiamento di cui necessita affinché la sua rinascita avvenga nella verità dei popoli che la costituiscono. Essi sono l’energon, la vera potenza reale, tangibile ma ancora inespressa, che sarà dentro ogni suo futuro sviluppo. La struttura è quindi organizzata per fornire le chiavi d’accesso alle burocrazie di Bruxelles (dove la ha sede principale) e alle realtà soprattutto culturali che intendono proporre progetti internazionali sul territorio europeo e non solo. Quando un’idea progettuale culturale viene supportata nel trovare i partner internazionali giusti, nel cercare il bando europeo che può finanziarla si trasforma da idea a progetto europeo.

Presidential Election in Russia

Moscow, 18 March 2018

Fabrizio BERTOT, International Observer


Россия 24



The sanctions’ roadmap through Russia, European Union and Italy

Rome, 5 December 2017

European Parliament – Information office in Italy






Sguardo ad Est. La Russia, le sanzioni e i rapporti con l’Italia

Perugia, Italy 29-30 September 2017

High level convention in Cesaroni Palace – Brugnoli room

Organized by Agenzia Stampa Italia

Presentation of the book: “Santa Madre Russia. Putin e la presenza di Mosca sullo scacchiere internazionale” – by Fabrizio di Ernesto author

Debate on the specific issue of sanctions with the presence of Gianni Alemanno, former minister of agriculture and Mayor of Rome, Laura Agea MEP of the Movimento 5 stelle, Fabrizio Bertot Forza Italia MEP, Valerio Mancini Lega nord regional counselor.

In videoconference, the Chairman of the Senate foreign affairs committee – Pierferdinando Casini, Roberto Moncalvo President of Coldiretti and Pietro Febo entrepreneur and vice-president of the Russian- Emilia Romagna cultural association.

From Corriere dell’economia: “Perugia guarda ad Est”: un convegno di alto livello a Palazzo Cesaroni


The Wall. Saggio-inchiesta sull’ Europa dei muri”

By Nunzio Panzarella

Political paper about the biggest crisis in the history of the Mediterranean, namely the immigration drama and the inability of Italian politics and European institutions to tackle it, as well as a space devoted to the difficult relationship between Erdogan and the European Union.

Exclusive interviews to the General Vincenzo Camporini, head of defense during the Berlusconi’s IV government and his military advisor, to the Italian ambassador in Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, to the Ambassador of the Armenian Republic Sargis Ghazaryan, Mr. Fabrizio Bertot, EPP MEP during the VIIth legislature and EU observer at the secessionist referendum in Crimea.

Preface of the former Minister Gianfranco Miccichè, currently regional coordinator of Forza Italia in Sicily.


This is why the main issue between Israel and Palestine is a question of representativeness

Fabrizio Bertot interview

The games between Europe and Russia Federation about sanctions

Rome, 1st August 2017

Italian republic Senate


Interview  – 9th November 2016

Fabrizio BERTOT  about US presidential election

Moscow, 2nd november 2016

Speech of Fabrizio Bertot

“Civil society, mass media and government. Russian and European experience”

Caccamo, September 30th 2016


Italy and Russian Federation (Moscow, May 14-15 2015)

Eu-Russian Federation relationships: Ukrainian crisis and much more (Alessandria, April 10,2015)

Ukranian crisis and the economy of Italy (with a focus in the south area)

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